Capt. Uwe-Thorsten Scobel
Narimasu High School Class of ’54
Killed in Vietnam Mar 25, 1964

Home of Record (official): HYATTSVILLE
State (official): MD
Date of Birth: Thursday, March 11, 1937
Marital Status: Single
Branch: Air Force
Rank: CPT
Component: Regular
Posthumous promotion as indicated
Pay grade: O2
MOS (Military Occupational Specialty code): Unknown/Not reported
Start of Tour: Unknown/Not reported
Date of Casualty: Wednesday, March 25, 1964
Age at time of loss: 27
Casualty type: (A2) Hostile, died of wounds
Reason: Air loss – Crashed on land (Pilot – Fixed wing aircraft)
Country: South VietNam
Province: Military Region 4
If you have a memory or rememberance for Jack Hardy, class of `60, please send to:Linda Plummer
Keith Shaver
Remembrances and Memories…
My recollections of Uwe Scobel are that he was a very tall, good looking blond haired fellow who exuded confidence. We played some basketball together and Uwe was always very aggressive and totally into the game. He had a very engaging personality and I always thought he would some day be a leader in whatever he did.
Mike Zimmerman `55