Clark S. Gregory Jr
Narimasu High School Class of ’49

U. S. Army Infantry 1953-1959
Branch and dates of service:Regular Army, Infantry, 1953-1959. Stationed in Ft. Benning, Ga.; Ft. Jackson, SC; Munich, Germany; Worms, Germany; Kirchgoens, Germany; and Mainz, Germany. As a civilian employee of the USG I served two years in Vietnam 67′-70′ with CORDS/MACV in Saigon
Highest rank:1st Lt.
Awards and decorations: Occupation of Germany and National Service Medal
Most memorable military Experience: In the summer of 1950 I returned to Japan for the summer from Clemson. One of my friends who had attended Meguro had joined the army in 1949 and was stationed at Camp Drake. I contacted him the day before the 1st Cav boarded ship for Korea. A bunch of us went down and watched the 1st CAV board. Of course in addition to our friend some of their fathers were in that division and were going on the same ship. All believed that the war would be over in a few months. I have no idea what became of my friend. That was the last time any of us saw or heard of him.
Also wanted to add College attended after NHS: 2 years at Sophia University in Tokyo. (had fun with the buses, trains, and subways). BA in Mathematics at San Jose State College, CA in 1968.