Mike Wonderley
Narimasu High School Class of ’62
U.S. Marine Corp Jan-Jul 1966
Highest rank: Pvt E-1
I was in the Navy from 1963- 1967. I was an Electronic Tech. (radar) ETR3 in the Submarine Service. I was assigned to the USS Tiru, SS416, home ported in Pearl Harbor, Hawaii. I was later fortunate to receive a Secretary of the Navy fleet appointment to the Naval Academy @ Annapolis, Maryland. The Navy and I parted company after my plebe (freshman) year. I remember the
Memorable experience: I joined in January, and got out in May of 66, with a medical discharge, back injury. I didn’t try to get out, and asked for no money, but looking back, I was fortunate. All I wanted to do was go to Viet Nam, but I now know it would have changed me for the worse, if I did come back. My best buddy was killed, Steve Skeen and a couple others were also, as you know well. Steve was a great guy.
I was only an E-1 private, assigned to Westpac deployment in the 5th Marine Division. My most memorable experience is not very vivid, all I did was train. Parris Island was tough, my platoon got the highest percentage in all phases of training since any platoon since 1913. That was because we had the most discipline from our senior Drill Instructor, and we were terrified to screw up. I did qualify 2nd high man out of 84 on the rifle range, and was allowed to apply for scout sniper school, but didn’t because I really didn’t want to be a sniper, and be separated from my friends.
great guys that I met in the service, enlisted and officers alike. Footloose and fancy free @ 19 years old trying to do a man’s job. We were all concerned about Viet Nam. Men and women in service at the time were not held in very high esteem by the civilian population.